If you want to get divorced without your spouse’s knowledge, you have a few options. This may sound like a no-brainer, but it can be a difficult process, so you need to be sure you are taking the right steps.
One of the easiest ways to do it is with the help of a professional. A process server can find your spouse and serve your papers on them. You can also hire a private investigator to do the legwork for you. When you do decide to take the matter into your own hands, you can hire a law firm to advise you on the best route.
The aforementioned process will likely be followed by another step in the form of a court hearing. This hearing will involve a judge and witnesses. While it may sound like the most tedious part of the divorce process, a divorce hearing will not guarantee success. It will involve evidence, testimony and possibly legal fees. Your spouse has a right to know about the proceedings and to express an opinion on the terms of the separation.
Although the service by publishing process is the most common, there are some states where this is not an option. In those cases, the court will probably require you to fill out a Motion to Serve by Posting. For a fee, you can ask the court for permission to publish your divorce notice on the Internet. Some courts have even gone as far as letting you give notice via social media sites such as Facebook.
Although announcing to your spouse that you are filing for a divorce may not be the first thing on your mind, it is a good idea to make your intentions known. This will allow you to avert a default divorce. Of course, if your spouse does not respond to your notice, you’ll have to face the music and a divorce proceeding.
Another important step is to obtain your spouse’s signature. There are a number of different ways to achieve this, including hand delivery, by mail and by mail carrier. Regardless of which method you choose, you must keep copies of all the documents you receive. Fortunately, if your spouse is not cooperative, you can apply for a dispensation of service.
Divorce without a signature may be a little more complicated than you might think, but the end result is well worth it. With a little patience and a lot of determination, you can finally get that divorce. Depending on the circumstances, your case may take a couple months or a few years to complete. However, if you have an attorney, you can rest assured that all your questions will be answered and your concerns addressed. To find out more about this specialized process, contact a Raleigh divorce law firm.
In summary, the best way to go about obtaining a divorce is to enlist the assistance of an attorney. They can answer any questions you might have and provide guidance through the process.